Upcoming Events
Sign up for the mailing list to receive updates on future events and classes.
Email alex@solarpowerforartists.com for more info about scheduling a workshop, lecture, consultation, etc. at your art venue/ community space/ university/ non-evil company, etc.
We do not want to turn anyone away for lack of funds. Need-based/ sliding scale discounted admission is available by request. Email alex@solarpowerforartists.com to request discounted admission.
All workshops listed below are for adults.
July 27 & 28: Summer NYC Solar Art Workshop Series!!!
Tickets available here!
Learn about solar powed sound art, kinetic sculpture, design methods, and more!
Workshop sessions include solar power art design methods, solar power sound art, and solar powered kinetic art. Participants will build small solar art projects they can take with them. We will discuss the history of artists working in the field, common conceptual approaches, and a number of technical methods. No prior experience with solar power or electronics is necessary.
All workshops will be taught by Alex Nathanson. These workshops are for adults. All workshops cost $100, but discounts are available for enrolling in multiple workshops. Need-based/ sliding scale discounted admission is available by request. Email alex@energytransitiondesign.com to request discounted admission.
Workshop #1: Design Methods for Solar Art and Education Projects
Saturday July 27, 10am-1pmThis workshop will introduce participants to the Logic & Behavior design framework for conceptualizing and creating solar power art and education projects. The framework will be introduced to participations through a series of small hands on experiments and projects.
Workshop #2: Solar Power Sound Workshop
Saturday July 27, 2pm-5pmThis workshop will introduce participants to a range of techniques for creating solar powered sound making devices that can be applied to instruments, installations, performances, and more. We will discuss the history of the field, common conceptual approaches, and a number of technical methods. All participants will build their own solar powered instrument in the workshop.
Three techniques for building instruments will be demonstrated.
- Direct drive acoustic instruments
- Solar powered analog synthesis
- Sonifying light frequencies
Workshop #3: Solar Power Kinetic Art Workshop: Bots, Drawing Machines, & Kinetic Sculptures
Sunday July 28, 10am-1pmThis workshop will introduce participants to a range of techniques for creating small solar powered robotic devices that can be applied to making sculptures, draw bots, percusion instruments, and more. We will discuss the history of artists working in the field, common conceptual approaches, and a number of technical methods. All participants will build their own solar powered mechanical creature or device.
Workshop #4: Solar Power Art Project Play Testing
Sunday July 28, 2pm-5pmParticipants will be shown new projects from the upcoming Solar Power for Artists book to play test. They will be given the choice of a number of different projects to experiment with. This workshop will build on the techniques and concepts from introduced in previous workshops. All participants will build a project they can take with them. Participants will get the most out of this workshop if they have already attended at least 1 of our other workshops.
Tickets available here!